I continue to get asked why I no longer participate on the newspaper chat forum. I don't think I've posted anything other than a couple posts pertaining to Pato Banton's gig at Ethnic Fest last week. The simple reason is that I just don't care for the negativity and stupidity that is now so rampant on the forum. The newspaper's forum has pretty much become a cesspool of negativity largely inhabited by bitter sourpusses who seem to think they possess some special level of wisdom or insight (and worse, who also seem to believe that other people actually want to hear their grumbling dissatisfaction with the world).

People hide anonymously behind screen names and snipe cowardly without accountability or any sense of courteousness. They appear to take pleasure in other people's misfortunes. Gossip has replaced genuine conversation.

Thanks but no thanks. I'm generally not interested in even superficially scanning what's on there anymore. Hope that puts the question to rest now. Onto better things...